About Us



Being in Cash Buying business for more than 35 years, Wirana Shipping Corporation is the oldest Cash Buyer in the international market and yet continues relentlessly to keep pace with ever developing demands placed on Cash Buyers. It is for this reason that Wirana Shipping Corporation is today considered to be a very reliable name in Cash Buying business, both by Ship Owners as well as Ship Recyclers. Wirana Shipping Corporation has an annual average dealing of more than 100 vessels per annum and over decades has dealt in over 2800 vessels (more than 90,000,000 DWT) of all types of vessels. Wirana Shipping Corporation is headquartered in Singapore with offices and representatives in UAE, Greece, Germany, Canada, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey and China.

Wirana Shipping Corporation has an in house operations team to take over the vessel from anywhere in the world and safely deliver the vessel to Ship Recyclers. Their S & P team comprises of experts who have been with Wirana Shipping Corporation for more than 20 years thus assuring Ship Owners and Ship Recyclers of getting a smooth and hitch free take over and deliveries. What is more important is that over decades Wirana Shipping Corporation has honoured its commitment on the prices concluded with Ship Owners as well as Ship Recyclers irrespective of market prices fluctuations. The Company’s top management is committed to fully deliver every term of the contract it has entered and as such this has become an implicit company policy.

Wirana has been an ardent proponent of Green Recycling from times when the concept had just started evolving in 2012. The case in the point is the fact that its own Ship Recycling yard, which after two years of solid working, was amongst the first yards in the Indian sub-continent to have obtained Statement of Compliance from Class NK for safe and environment friendly recycling as per Hong Kong International Convention for Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009. Today Wirana Shipping Corporation has its own Green Recycling team which continuously guides numerous Ship Owners as well Ship Recyclers on various issues associated with Green Recycling. To name a few- IHM, drafting of contracts to ensure green recycling, helping Ship Owners identify responsible Ship recycling yards, helping Ship Owners continuous monitoring and thus ensuring that their vessels are recycled responsibly without Ship Owners deploying their own resources to monitor the recycling process.

Over decades, Wirana Shipping Corporation humbly recounts its various achievements made by possible by its philosophy of continuous improvement. A few of them are:

  • 1. Only company to be mentioned twice in Guinness book of world records
  • 2. Ranked amongst top 100 companies in Singapore for financial and business integrity
  • 3. One of the, or possibly the largest dollar value deal for a single vessel sold for recycling – FSO Maxus Widuri – DWT 323,088, LDT 57401 MT for USD 28.25 million.

Wirana Shipping Corporation has its commitment to work ingrained in its name itself W – Work, I –is, R –religion, A – aspire, N, A-achieve. To know further about our company, you may kindly visit our website www.wirana.com